Different Approaches, Same Goals

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, media training

Specialty communications firm CommCore Consulting has provided communications strategy, message development, communications training, and crisis planning to the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors for over 25 years.

This article from the CommCore Observer takes a look at what we as businesspeople should aim to achieve through the use of two essential tools, executive coaching and media training.

Executive Coaching & Media Training:
different approaches to the same goals

Executive Coaching and Media Training share many of the same goals. Both are results-oriented: EC seeks to improve the business results, behavior and leadership skills of executives MT seeks to achieve better articles, better quotes, and through the media demonstrate leadership and improve business results.

One of the other shared aspects is the need to develop key messages, stories and examples that impact either employee behavior and, in the case of media, get a reporter to use a quote or include your information.

Media Training and Executive Coaching are often labeled “soft skills.” Yet professionals have developed ways to measure success. The questions to ask are voluminous, but here are a few:

· Did the company or spokesperson get a better quote in an article because of the practice and preparation?

· If you poll employees, do they recall key messages delivered by the executive, or just the ones that impacted their lives?

· Were the internal messages and behavior consistent with the external?

· Internally did you help create a culture that embraces preparation and practice?

And of course: Did the presentation, change in behavior, article or blog have an impact on the business or organization’s bottom line results or objectives?


Jonathan Bernstein