Erik Bernstein – President

Erik Bernstein is President of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc. an international crisis and reputation management firm providing solutions for both organizations and individuals. As President and frequent team lead, Erik works to support clients in all aspects of creating, building, and maintaining their readiness for – and resilience against – threats to operations or reputation that might impact the bottom line. His expertise bridges from strategic communications, marketing, and traditional public relations efforts to back-end crisis management, including planning, preparedness, erik work pic bcm sizeand training, to responsive crisis communications and media relations, ensuring a cohesive, holistic approach to enhancing, securing, and protecting clients’ reputations. Delivering reliable, rapid and responsive consulting has allowed Erik the opportunity to work with a wide variety of industry verticals, including construction, education, foods and food service, franchise operations, health care, insurance, litigation, manufacturing, non-profit, public figures, professional associations, retail, service providers, and tech.

Before making the move to full time consulting for Bernstein Crisis Management, Erik operated a social media and online marketing company providing public relations, communications, reputation management, and marketing services to clients. This position provided an unusual level of daily exposure to the types of online issues organizations of all shapes and sizes face, and kickstarted his career in crisis management.

Crisis management is a fast-paced field and the rules of engagement can shift with the tide of public opinion. Through extensive direct experience with clients in a wide range of industries, Erik has developed proven methods to prevent, prepare for, and reduce damage taken from crisis situations, continuing to share that knowledge with a steady stream of speaking engagements, training sessions, and media interviews for outlets like the Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, and Bloomberg, as well as the award-winning Bernstein Crisis Management blogs.