Handling the Media

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis simulation, media training, reputation management

Working with the media is an integral part of every crisis management plan. So much so, that just how well you handle this relationship can make or break your company or client’s reputation. In a recent article for TechWithUs.com, Thomas Murrell discusses the right way to do things during a crisis:

The keys to performing well in such a situation are planning and preparation. When a crisis occurs know the exact status of it and every fact available. For example who are the people involved, what are the circumstances and what is the latest information?

Also act decisively. A crisis is no time to dither. Get as much information to the media as quickly as possible. If you don’t take control of the information, the media will look for other sources to provide a ’sound bite’ or ‘news grab’ and these may not be accurate or reliable contacts.

Often in a crisis, rumour, emotion and incorrect information can quickly fill the information void. Continually update the media as information comes to hand.

When presenting and planning your media response think of the target audience
and what words will reassure them. Be involved and take a ‘hands-on’ approach. Do television interviews on location rather than in a comfortable office remote from the crisis and audience.

Because these messages are only as effective as the spokesperson who delivers them, it’s in your best interest to invest in media training and simulations before a situation arises.

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