John Edwards’ Crisis Management Emergency

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management expert, Crisis Response, reputation management

The ball of sordid tales and blatant lies that makes up one-time vice presidential candidate John Edward’s personal life continues to unravel in the public eye, and with it goes a reputation and image which had been carefully pieced together through years of work. In an article for The Atlantic, Nicole Allan and Niraj Chokshi interviewed BCM President Jonathan Bernstein on the subject of Edward’s unlikely recovery:

Earlier in the career of Jonathan L. Bernstein of Bernstein Crisis Management, he was approached by people representing the recently deposed Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos. “If anybody approached me on behalf of Edwards, I’d tell them the same thing I told Marcos’ people: ‘I don’t think there’s anything I can do for you right now.’ That said, I think if he can drop under the public radar for a period of some years, get involved in some charitable do-gooding activities, and not do anything else that he could be criticized for, ultimately he could rehabilitate himself. Bill Clinton did.”

Other experts interviewed seemed to agree that only the passage of time and some serious do-gooding may help Edwards with crisis management. He also needs to put down the shovel.

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