Flow of Information

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response

For effective crisis management, information needs to flow quickly to your target audiences. This past week communicators have done, by and large, a good job of using the various media channels available, especially social media.

Relying on crisis communication protocols, the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, health care communicators, and school officials are talking about swine flu in a tempered, matter-of-fact way. Using various avenues, including social media, they’re letting people know the latest facts about the situation — and working to dispel rumors and falsities at every turn.

This story from Ragan Communication’s Jessica Levo studies crisis prevention and crisis response strategies used by various companies nationwide. While the methods mentioned are commendable, an incident command system (such as MissionMode) could help communicators get the word out to, and collaborate with, all their contacts even more effectively.


Jonathan Bernstein