High Stakes Litigation & Crisis Communications Podcast March 24

Jonathan Bernstein crisis litigation, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, reputation management

More and more often we are seeing successful lawyers and law firms reaching out to crisis management experts to manage their client’s message in the public eye. Regardless of how things are “intended” to run, a strong communicator can educate stakeholders and minimize reputation damage for those involved. On March 24th, the Law Blog Radio podcast will cover this hot topic.

A panel discussion led by Rich Klein (LawFirmsPR) who will be joined by Jonathan Bernstein of Bernstein Crisis Management (author, Keeping the Wolves At Bay: A Media Training Manual) and Michele DeStefano Beardslee, Associate Professor at the University of Miami School of Law (author, Advocacy in the Court of Public Opinion). The panel will discuss why corporate management, and particularly general counsel, need to consider crisis communications when involved in high stakes litigation. They will also give some basic advice about what actions companies can take to protect their reputations (online and off) at all stages of high stakes litigation.

When the stakes are high, you want every advantage you can get. Taking your case into the court of public opinion, if done correctly, can give you that edge.

The BCM Blogging Team