Muzzled Bloggers

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, public relations

“Bloggers are increasingly getting sued or threatened with legal action for everything from defamation to invasion of privacy to copyright infringement. In 2007 — the most recent data available — 106 civil lawsuits against bloggers and others in social networks and online forums were tallied by the Citizen Media Law Project”

A recent article from The Wall Street Journal Online features the personal accounts of several bloggers who are facing serious legal problems. From one who didn’t even post on their own, but several others’ websites, to another who referenced AP articles for years before suddenly being slapped with a cease and desist notice for quoting. If you don’t want to find yourself in need of some quick crisis management, you’d do well to check the legalities before you post that scathing review or opinionated article.


Jonathan Bernstein