Whole Foods’ Reputation Crisis

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, media training

Today I’d like to discuss a gem of a post from a Talking Points Memo blog that was brought to my attention by faithful Crisis Manager subscriber Patricia Luebke. The post slams Whole Foods’ CEO John Mackey, who’s been caught in the crossfire of yet another scandal – this time bashing health care reform and appearing to push his company’s food as an effective means of reversing degenerative disease in a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece. A wonderfully sardonic quote from the blog post:

Here’s a thought: If you own a major supermarket chain that caters to a great deal of liberal-minded people with money, don’t rail against the evils of health care reform in the Wall Street Journal.

Is Whole Foods oblivious to the fact that Crisis Management 101 dictates thorough media training, especially for CEO’s, or is Mackey simply ignoring such advice? Lately the CEO can’t seem to keep his foot out of his mouth. It will be interesting to see if this latest blow to the supermarket’s reputation is enough to elicit a change.


Jonathan Bernstein