A Bad Idea

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, media training, reputation management

Microsoft recently unveiled a brand-new ad for their business productivity software. While the U.S. version was fine, someone at the software behemoth’s Polish subsidiary decided to make a change that spawned a storm of negative criticism throughout the Web and on Twitter. Here’s a description of the switch that angered so many, from CNET.com:

In a photo on the company’s U.S. Web site, three businesspeople–one black, one white and one Asian are shown as part of a pitch for Microsoft’s business productivity software. In the same photo on the site of Microsoft’s Polish subsidiary, a white head is placed over the black person’s body, although the hand is not changed.

Microsoft immediately began standard crisis management procedure – pulling the image, issuing an apology and promising to, “look into the details of the situation.” With a subject as controversial as race, though, it will likely require a follow-up effort from Microsoft to quiet their critics.


Jonathan Bernstein