The Twitter stream alerted the news media to yesterday’s unfolding crisis at the Discovery building, reports Paul Farhi in today Washington Post. In a piece that notes that “Tweet stream alerts news media to the unfolding crisis,” Farhi reports that “for the raw speed and real-time eyewitness accounts, it’s now …
Red Cross Disaster Response Challenge
The time is coming near again for the UK Red Cross Disaster Response Challenge. A true test of real-world crisis management strategy and skill, the two-day event is built around a simulated humanitarian disaster which you and your team will be tasked with responding to. Participants will the rare opportunity …
Mommy Crisis Management
When huge posters reading “Career Women Make Bad Mothers” began to appear on the sides of buses and buildings through London, it didn’t take long for the public to react and force the ads to be pulled. This quote from a San Francisco Chronicle article explains how, as well as …
Plug the Gaps
Often, when a crisis is thrust into the public eye, it causes others to take notice and think about their own crisis management plans. A recent article from the Cookeville Times website investigated the ways various organizations prepare for crises, as well as sharing this advice: In a speech to …