Preparing for Disaster

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, disaster preparedness, disaster response

Donald Schmidt has 30 years of experience preparing for crises, and with Hurricane Earl still creating storms along the East coast we thought it was good timing to run an article by him regarding disaster preparedness in the latest Crisis Manager newsletter. A sampling: Hazard mitigation can substantially reduce the …

Preparedness Pays

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis preparation, disaster preparedness

Officials at MeritCare Hospital in Fargo, ND, were recently rewarded for their crisis prevention efforts when they successfully evacuated 180 of their most delicate patients in the face of a raging blizzard. With a flood predicted, executive vice president Bruce Pitts was forced to make a move and, kept tight …

Learning from Our Mistakes

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, disaster preparedness, disaster response

A definition of “insanity” popularly attributed to Albert Einstein is, “doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” So what, then, is “sanity”? It would seem to be “learning from our mistakes.” It only took eight years of the current administration for President Bush — and his …