Comments on Past Posts Go Here (sigh)

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management

Please use this post as your place to comment on any of my past messages and going forward we won’t have this problem. Unfortunately, the Blogger system provides no way to fix the issue retroactively. Jonathan BernsteinPresidentBernstein Crisis Management, Inc.

Apologies for Failure to Turn on Links

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management

This here crisis manager is VERY embarrassed to realize that when this blog was originally started comments weren’t enabled and I never caught that until today, when an ezine reader attempted to find somewhere to post a comment! That error has been corrected! Jonathan BernsteinPresidentBernstein Crisis Management, Inc.

Hurricane Gustav Commentary

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management

This video is directly related to today’s issue of my ezine, “Crisis Manager,” which went out by plain text email and will soon be archived at my website. Jonathan BernsteinPresidentBernstein Crisis Management, Inc.

Strategic Reputation Management Planning

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, reputation management

Experiences with various clients over the past decade led me, recently, to develop a new approach to what I’m dubbing “Strategic Reputation Management Planning.” Not merely crisis prevention and response. Not merely search engine optimization for reputation management. Not merely proactive PR to create and maintain a cushion of goodwill. …

Fay Fizzles – Post Storm Report

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis public relations

Well, I wish I could tell you that I did all kinds of heroic crisis manager kinda things as the hurricane crashed upon us, but…although Tropical Storm Fay came ashore just a couple of miles south of us, I’ve seen worse rainstorms in Southern California. No harm here at my …

Calm before

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management

Seems as if the Tropical Storm may not become a Hurricane. I suspect it still wouldn’t be wise to go outside with my kite. We’re in the infamous “calm before.” One of my ezine readers (thank you, you know who you are!) sent me these useful links related to the …

Pre-storm preparations

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, disaster management

This is my first experiment using and a weak (PCS card) broadband connection to record a report “from the scene here” and hopefully successfully embed the code that will allow you to see it! Jonathan BernsteinPresidentBernstein Crisis Management, Inc.