Coup Crisis

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, public relations, reputation management

Cruise giant Carnival is getting plenty of opportunities to put their crisis management strategies to the test. Having recently announced that their ships would not be visiting Mexican ports due to H1N1 risk, I’m sure the announcement of a military coup in the Honduras, another of their most popular ports, …

Pick Your Fights

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, public relations, reputation management

It’s no rare occurrence for a comedian to take some cheap shots at a politician, but when David Letterman compared Sarah Palin to a “slutty flight attendant” and insulted her daughter, she took exception. Palin made her anger known in several national TV interviews, throwing Letterman into crisis management mode …

Creating Faith

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, reputation management

After the stock market and financial fiascos of the past couple of years, many investors are still extremely reluctant to trust any business with their money. They have shown their lack of faith often by simply not investing, other times by forcing out the CEO’s who mismanaged their money. A …

Data Disasters

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response, reputation management

Retailer TJ Maxx holds the dubious honor of having the largest data theft ever, with over 45 million credit and debit card numbers stolen from their IT systems back in 2007. Crisis management experts know that data breaches can be one of the most devastating types of crises to deal …

Guard Your Reputation

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, public relations, reputation management

Your reputation means everything. A positive one can drive your business, bringing new customers and positive press. Get a bad rap though, even an unwarranted one, and you may soon find yourself in full crisis management mode, struggling to take back control. The average user who searches your company name …

Reputation Remorse

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, reputation management

We’ve seen many public figures in dire need of reputation management, from Hollywood starlets to Wall Street Bankers and sports superstars. The fastest way to get past these problems is to first accept responsibility and apologize, then demonstrate to the public that you have changed your ways. Of course, they …

Put Down the Shovel

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, reputation management

Yesterday we talked about one of the crucial ingredients to successful reputation management, transparency. Today I’d like to take a look at another important aspect – customer service. This time, though, our story is an example of what not to do from Boston-based computer-repair service Geek Choice (no affiliation with …


Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response, reputation management

There have been some spectacular crisis management disasters in the online tech world recently (#amazonfail anyone?), but how about a success story? This one comes from the usually tight-lipped 500 pound gorilla of the web, Google! When many of Google’s sites went down Thursday, there was an immediate backlash across …

Dealing with Delay

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, reputation management

“We may have to delay the Marathon at least three hours.” Few words can put a chill down a Marathon staff’s spine quite like “delay.” For runners and walkers who have their pre-event routine timed to the minute; any kind of a disruption is upsetting at the least, and devastating …

Rights? What Rights?

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response, reputation management

We haven’t quite made it a week since the last crisis management disaster involving a major US company and here’s The Consumerist at it again, this time with a doozy of a story involving sporting goods giant REI and Loomis security. While Shane was standing in the customer service line …