Eliminating Filters

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Response, social media

Having a bulky, lumbering communications structure does nothing but obstruct crisis management. In a recent post on his blog, social media consultant Mack Collier used the example of Southwest Airline’s disagreement with director Kevin Smith, who was allegedly asked to disembark from a flight because he was too large to …

Social Communities

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, reputation management, social media

In a crisis, consumers need honest answers and they need them fast –- and no messaging vehicle is better suited to meet this demand than those fueling the crisis in the first place. Transparent engagements in the online communities, where your customers already live, provide a credible and direct channel …

Criminals Tweet Too

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, social media

One reason people love social media services is because they enable them to see where their friends are and what they’re doing. What many don’t realize is that this information is often available to anyone who visits their page or profile, including criminals. While it’s rare these days to find …

Tools for Twitter

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, media training, public relations, social media

Though I’ve mentioned tools for Twitter many times before, the technology custom-crafted for the service changes almost daily. A recent Wall Street Journal Online article detailing the latest in “must-have” software explains the need for these utilities: Twitter’s popularity as a customer-service and public-relations tool for businesses is growing. But …

More Crisis Manager!

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, crisis manager, social media

We’ve uploaded a new edition of the Crisis Manager newsletter to our website, and, as always, it’s stuffed with information you really can’t afford to miss! In this issue our first guest, University of South Carolina Professor Karen Mallia, offers up a powerful review of two recent advertising campaigns torn …