NSFW Browser Tabs Create Crisis for Congressional Hopeful

Erik Bernstein crisis management, political crisis management Leave a Comment

WARNING: While this post does not contain NSFW images there is NSFW text displayed in the screencaps below.

Mike Webb is an independent candidate running for Congress in Virginia, and earlier this month he caused quite a stir when he posted a screenshot to Facebook that clearly displayed two tabs of pornography open on his browser. We’ll talk more after the jump, but for now take a gander for yourself:

webb porn share zoomed out webb porn share zoomed in

Nothing creates a crisis of reputation faster than failing to meet stakeholder expectations. Hugh Hefner accidentally sharing a few tabs of porn, no big deal,  but Webb’s deeply conservative stance meant immediate backlash and mockery ensued. Webb flashed through a variety of explanations, including claiming that he had the tabs open to test whether pornographic sites auto-load malware onto politician’s computers, but nothing seemed to hold water. Eventually Webb settled on an odd sort of acceptance and began to share the numbers of followers and page visits he had gained as a result.

Folks, whether you’re running for Congress or not, double check your screenshots before you share them. Make sure personal information isn’t showing, and yes, check for those NSFW tabs. Oh, and in case you don’t know already, there’s a little thing called “private mode” built into every major browser today…

The BCM Blogging Team


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