Crisis Management Quotables…on Thinking Differently

Erik Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

Differing viewpoints are essential to crisis management success

Is there anyone more expert in crisis management than a successful battlefield commander? Not only are they tasked with applying limited information to make life-and-death decisions on a moment’s notice, but they must remain calm and precise, even while taking fire.

Quill and Pen Crisis Management Quotables - small

Today’s Crisis Management Quotable comes to us from a man we feel is extremely qualified to speak on the topic, one of the most celebrated U.S. military figures of all time, General George S. Patton:

“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” — George S. Patton

A huge part of successful crisis management is the ability to find the holes in your own planning. If you have a room full of people nodding and smiling at your first draft of a plan, we can all but guarantee it won’t last five minutes once a real crisis hits.

Besides needing members from a variety of backgrounds, as well as representatives from both the operational and management sides of your organization, your crisis team desperately needs those people who always looking at a problem from a different angle than the rest. Seek them out, nurture this inclination, and you’ll suddenly find the final product of your crisis management much more effective than before.

Erik Bernstein
Social Media Manager

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