Crisis Management Quotables…on Reputation Repair

Erik Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, online reputation management, PR, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

Things that make you say, “HRMMMM…”

Welcome to our new blog series, “Crisis Management Quotables.” There are an almost-unending number of quotes from throughout history that pertain to our field, and of course we’ve come up with a good number through our own experiences. Each time around we’ll share a quote, and then discuss what the heck it really means.

Have a good quote that can be applied to crisis management, or PR in general? Feel free to submit your own and we’ll share the best in future posts.

A reputation once broken may possibly be repaired, but the world will always keep their eyes on the spot where the crack was.” — Joseph Hall

Old Joe Hall may have lived in the 1500’s, but this English bishop and satirist (try making that combo work today!) hit upon a truth still not understood by many of the organizations that run into crises here in the 21st century. Thing is, crisis management can help put your reputation back together after you run into trouble, but if you make the same mistake again, your stakeholders will be far less forgiving. This is why the goal of crisis management is not only to repair any damage done, but also to seek and resolve the root cause of the issue so that same spot is fully protected from cracking once again.

The BCM Blogging Team

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