Preparing for Social Media Crisis Management

Erik Bernstein social media crisis management, social media reputation management Leave a Comment

Being ready in advance is key to mitigating damage Social media mishaps can turn into crises in the blink of an eye. The best way to prevent a single incident from turning into a costly crisis is to leap into action the minute you spot the warning signs. You can’t …

Coping with Negative Social Media Comments

Erik Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, online crisis management, online reputation management, PR, public relations, reputation management, social media 1 Comment

Master this aspect of social media crisis management It’s becoming increasingly common for frustrated or upset stakeholders to, instead of picking up a phone, take their complaints straight to social media. Often, these posts are made in the heat of the moment, and can be quite vicious. Sometimes it’s warranted, …