Make Internal Communication Your First Priority For COVID-19 Crisis Management

Erik Bernstein crisis leadership

  [Editor’s note: This post was originally published on Bernstein Crisis Management team member Jon Harmon’s Strategic Comms blog, and he was kind enough to allow us to reprint this important open letter to senior leaders in every sector that addresses why the COVID-19 coronavirus concerns mean you should be …

Know These Leadership Diseases So You Can Avoid Them

Erik Bernstein crisis leadership

  [Editor’s note: The author of this post, Paul Biddle MBE, has 23 years in UK Law Enforcement along with multiple tours of Iraq & Afghanistan. In other words, he knows some things about real world crisis management and crisis leadership. Today he explores issues, or as he calls them diseases, …

Crisis Management Quotables…on Leadership and Crisis Prevention

Erik Bernstein crisis leadership, crisis management, crisis management quotables, Crisis Prevention, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, reputation management Leave a Comment

Strong leaders are always watching for crisis warning signs If there were a competition for most quoted, yet least-known, individual, Arnold Glasow would certainly be in the running. A humorist born in 1905, Glasow not only established his own humor magazine, but also frequently contributed to publications like The Wall …

Good Crisis Management Means Getting Your Hands Dirty

Erik Bernstein crisis communications, crisis leadership, crisis management, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management, social media Leave a Comment

[Jonathan Bernstein here to say that I’m proud to introduce an original thought piece by my son, “chip off the old crisis manager” Erik Bernstein.] Keep leadership involved for crisis management success Organizations frequently bring in outside crisis management professionals in time of trouble, but just because you’ve hired someone …