Antivirus Maker’s Crisis Management for Data Breach

Jonathan Bernstein crisis communications, crisis management, crisis public relations, Crisis Response, cyber security, cyber threats, Cyberheist, cybersecurity, Erik Bernstein, hackers, hacking, internet crisis management, internet security, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

More proof that nobody is invulnerable to cyber attacks In the last Crisis Manager of 2013, we predicted cyber crises would explode this year, and explode they have. What was once a fringe crime that often went unnoticed by both victims and the media has become big business, and it …

Car Service Hack No Fender Bender

Jonathan Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, Erik Bernstein, hackers, hacking, internet crisis management, internet security, Jonathan Bernstein, public relations, reputation management Leave a Comment

Improperly stored private information leads to a heck of a crisis Hackers who broke into the Corporate Car Online servers must’ve felt like it was Christmas morning when they came across a TEXT file listing everything from credit card numbers and private flight numbers to personal preferences and records of …

Crisis Management Musts: Plan for Cyber Attacks

Erik Bernstein computer security, crisis avoidance, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, cyber threats, Cyberheist, cybersecurity, Erik Bernstein, hackers, hacking, internet crisis management, internet security, Jonathan Bernstein 1 Comment

It’s no longer a question of “if”, but “when” you will face an online attack Convinced your data is secure because you’re using a phrase password from your favorite book or movie, something like, “Call me Ishmael?” Think again! Ars Technica’s Dan Goodin reports: For the first time, the freely …

Crisis Management for Scary Android Security Flaw

Erik Bernstein crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, cyber threats, cybersecurity, Erik Bernstein, Jonathan Bernstein Leave a Comment

Major threat to popular mobile operating system It doesn’t get much scarier than this. Bluebox Security claimed to have discovered a vulnerability in Android’s security model that could allow attackers to convert 99 percent of all applications into Trojan malware. Google has told ZDNet that the hole has been patched …

The Three P’s of Cyber-Survival

Erik Bernstein computer security, crisis management, crisis planning, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, cyber threats, cybersecurity, disaster preparedness, Erik Bernstein, hackers, hacking, internet crisis management, internet security, Jonathan Bernstein, online crisis management 1 Comment

The cyber war is on, protect yourself now South Korea was hit by a major cyber attack Wednesday as the computer systems of two major banks, three broadcasters and others simultaneously crashed, raising suspicions that North Korea was to blame. On some computer screens, images of skulls with glowing red …

Crisis Management & Cyber War

Erik Bernstein crisis management, crisis preparation, Crisis Prevention, cyber threats, Cyberheist, cybersecurity, Erik Bernstein, hackers, hacking, internet security, Jonathan Bernstein Leave a Comment

Defend your virtual borders We recently wrote on the NY Times Hacking and what it means to you, but the latest news from the world of cyber-threats makes that attack look like small potatoes. In a groundbreaking move, U.S. computer security firm Mandiant released a 60-page account of activities conducted …

Crisis Management Tips After a Network or Computer Hack

Erik Bernstein computer security, crisis management, Crisis Prevention, Crisis Response, hackers, hacking, online crisis management, risk management 7 Comments

Editor’s Note: The following guest article by John Dayton explains in detail how to protect your business from the very real dangers of the Internet. The events of the past several years have left no doubt as to the necessity of having a clean and secure network. If you’ve got …